Myofascial Release is different to traditional oil massage. MFR is a specialised, hands-on therapy that affects and releases pain and restrictions within the fascial network.
This is the most powerful modality I have ever come across in my 40+ years spent in the healthcare industry.
To book an appointment please email, call or text
Treatment options
- you can experience a 1:1 treatment with me,
- opt for a co-treatment (with two experienced MFR therapists who treat you at the same time, video testimonial below),
- or you can attend my clinic for an intensive treatment day (this involves multiple treatments, with rest and the opportunity for self-care in between sessions).
If you are a new client, guidelines for your appointment will be provided via email including a consultation form to complete and return. I am here to support and guide you and will do my best to ensure the process is as uncomplicated and smooth as possible.
Sally is a magician. Don’t be tricked into thinking MFR is just a body symptoms release. I went with that intention, thinking I need to have physio, to help me heal my body from a condition.
The Universe took me to Sally. It was the right time and place for me. Sally can read my body, soul, mind and heart. I got to wake up and have been taken on a healing journey, I am becoming who I was meant to be.
You will find that your physical symptoms become less of a priority as you connect to your soul and love yourself again or perhaps for first time. So trust that if you get to see Sally, it’s your path to rediscovery, let the energy lead you.
Thank you Sally, I truly take so much joy in becoming me ❤️🙏
Alicja Pachalko
What is fascia?
Fascia is a fluid-filled, 3-dimensional web of tissue throughout our bodies, it runs through and between every single cell in your body, and it surrounds, infuses and protects every other tissue and organ of the body. In the normal healthy state, the fascia can elongate, glide and move without restriction. Unfortunately, fascia can become hardened, form scars and develop tension lines in response to trauma and poor postural habits.
Fascia has been largely ignored over the centuries as anatomists have traditionally cut away this tissue to ‘see’ more clearly the structures that are embedded within it. Thanks to a French Surgeon, Jean Claude Guimberteau, and his microscopic camera, we can view this miraculous tissue in action, clips of his films are shown in the video below.
Problems arise when fascia loses its pliability through physical or emotional trauma, scarring, or inflammation. Fascia is the body’s shock absorber, when you sustain an injury from a fall, a car accident, or any other high-velocity impact, your body generates additional connective tissue as a form of compensation during the healing process. Consider too, years of poor postural habits, repetitive stress or surgeries, (including non-invasive procedures), in all of these situations the cumulative effects on the body can cause the tissue to solidify and lose its fluid nature.
Restrictions in your fascia can exert crushing pressures of up to 2000 pounds per square inch and can result in all kinds of symptoms producing pain, headaches or restriction of motion. Fascial restrictions affect flexibility and stability and are a determining factor in our ability to withstand stress and perform daily activities.
This 3-dimensional aspect of fascial tissue means that any scar tissue or restriction in your body is capable of causing a tug that results in symptoms distant to the original trauma site. Fascial restrictions don’t show up on standard tests like X-rays MRI and CT scans, which means that many people suffering from chronic pain or dysfunction may be misdiagnosed.
What happens with fascial restrictions?

What happens during a treatment?
As a John F Barnes Myofascial Release Therapist, my role is to feel and connect slowly into the fascial network. My purpose is to feel where the fascial restrictions are and slowly and patiently wait for them to be released. Patience is required as the fascia cannot be forced and will only respond with resistance if force is applied. This means that a gentle, sustained pressure may take more than 90-120 seconds to begin to have an effect and often takes 5 minutes before the tissues begin to release and unwind. Gentle pressure is maintained at the tissue barrier until releases occur. After a series of releases the tissue becomes soft and pliable, this takes the pressure off pain-sensitive tissues, restoring alignment and mobility.
The treatment follows a postural assessment, where I will observe and record your alignment and any restriction patterns that I see. This is a useful guideline to observe changes from this powerful therapy over time.
Please note that any consultation time during your session is given free of charge and you will need to allow extra time for this. A thorough consultation can take anything up to 30 minutes on your first visit and may take 10-15 minutes for subsequent appointments. If your time is limited please let me know.
I have travelled extensively to America to train with John F Barnes, who developed and is the leading authority on MFR. I am an ‘Expert Level’ JFB MFR therapist. The training seminars I’ve completed include MFR 1 & 2, Unwinding, Quantum Leap, Rebounding, Skills Enhancement (with JFB), Treatment for Therapists, Cervical Thoracic, Advanced Unwinding, Fascial Pelvis & Repeat of 1, 2 and Unwinding, MFR 3 (with repeats), Subtle Energy and Women’s Health. I am also the JFB Study Group Leader for the UK.
I have also trained in the UK with Ruth Duncan, Myofascial Release UK, Nancy Stewart, John F Barnes and Yvonne Brannigan in Women’s Health.
Women’s Health
Many women suffer from symptoms such as incontinence, pelvic pain and menstrual cramps and are told that the cause is unknown, or that nothing more can be done to help.
Whereas it is always important to see your doctor for investigations, diagnosis and to explore treatment options, if you have unexplained problems, are still suffering, or conventional treatments aren’t helping then Myofascial Release may be for you.
Restrictions anywhere in your body can cause irritation and inflammation, which leads to discomfort, dysfunction and pain. In the pelvic area everything is in such proximity and scar tissue, old injuries and tight muscles put a lot of strain on pain-sensitive structures, leading to problems for many years if left untreated.
Some of the conditions which may be helped by Myofascial Release are:
- Pelvic pain syndrome
- Pudendal nerve entrapment
- Chronic interstitial cystitis
- Irritable bladder
- Adhesions
- Vulvodynia
- Incontinence
- Menstrual cramps
I have trained in specific Myofascial Release techniques for women’s health with Nancy Stewart, a specialist teacher from America, John F Barnes, and Yvonne Brannigan. Please contact me if you have any questions or want to book a treatment session.