It is our policy to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare of all employees, visitors, contractors, and others who may be affected by On the Spot Training School (OTSTS) On the Spot (OTS) On the Spot Online (OTSOL). Sally Morris will apply suitable and sufficient measures to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, its subsequent extensions, and all other applicable related regulations. (The Health and Safety Policy and any Codes of Ethics and Practice represent the minimum arrangements that must be followed by MTI training centres)
The owner of OTSTS, OTS, OTSOL Sally Morris, is ultimately responsible for maintaining a Health and Safety management system, and the responsibility for implementation.
Where possible and when other people are employed/contracted by OTSTS, the management system will include an appropriate regular forum for the discussion and communication on health and safety matters between Sally Morris and all associates / employees.
Sally Morris will provide appropriate employee and associate tutor training to ensure awareness of this Policy, and the effective application of Company procedures that give effect to this Policy. Attendance at the training events is an obligation and every effort is made to ensure reasonable time and venues are selected. A copy of this Policy is and will be made available to all employees, associates and tutors.
OTSTS, OTS, OTSOL (Sally Morris) will –
Ensure suitable and sufficient assessments of risks are undertaken, and shall implement control measures to reduce those risks to an acceptable level, wherever this is reasonably practicable.
Ensure the risk assessments are updated as circumstances change. As and when appropriate, will provide appropriate work equipment, safe systems of work, work instructions, training, and supervision, to ensure that employees can effectively and safely utilise the items and systems provided.
OTSTS, OTS, OTSOL (Sally Morris) will ensure all tutors, associates and users of the facilities:
• Are aware of and comply with this Policy, to safeguard the Health and Safety of themselves and others affected by their actions
• Cooperate with OTSTS in the implementation of this Policy
• Do not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of Health and Safety
• Use Company provided equipment, facilities, and other items as identified by risk assessment.
OTSTS, OTS, OTSOL (Sally Morris) will assess the effectiveness of this Policy via internal and, where appropriate, external auditing, to be carried out by competent persons at regular intervals, and will provide sufficient funds and resources to implement and maintain an effective management system.
The Policy will be reviewed and revised when necessary to take account of changing conditions, and
in any case not less than once every 12 months.
Sally Morris – On the Spot Training School
OTSTS – March 2021