Co-treatment MFR sessions with 2 experienced therapists


The MFR technique is very different to a traditional oil massage. Myofascial Release is a specialised bodywork therapy that affects and releases the restrictions within the fascial network. With two therapists working on the body, the energy is intensified and the results can be incredible.

A 1-hour appointment with 2 therapists (Sally Morris and Nicola Cipa) can often achieve so much more than 2 hours of treatment with just 1 therapist. Nicola and I are both experienced JFB MFR therapists.

What is fascia?

Fascia is the immediate environment of every cell in your body, it surrounds, infuses and protects every other tissue and organ of the body. It provides cushioning and support so that we can move freely without restriction or pain. The two main components of fascia, elastin and collagen, allow it to be very strong and very flexible. Fascia is responsive to internal and external forces and has a protective function. Fascia becomes hardened, forms scars and develops tension lines in response to trauma and poor postural habits.

What happens during a treatment?

Your MFR therapists will feel their way slowly into the fascial network. The purpose is to feel where the fascial restrictions are and slowly and patiently release them. Patience is required as the fascia cannot be forced and will only respond with resistance if force is applied. This means that a gentle, sustained pressure may take more than 90-120 seconds to begin to have an effect and often takes 5 minutes before the tissues begin to release and unwind. The treatment follows a postural assessment, where they will observe and record your alignment and any restriction patterns that we see. This is a useful guideline to observe changes over time from this very powerful therapy.

Sally trained in the UK with Ruth Duncan and have reached ‘Expert Level” status in America with John F Barnes courses, John developed and is the leading authority on MFR. Nicola has also trained extensively in the UK and in America.

Sally also specialises in Women’s Health.


Co-treatment MFR sessions with 2 experienced therapists


The energy is intensified, the results can be incredible.

A 1-hour appointment with 2 therapists (Sally Morris and Nicola Cipa, or Sally Morris and Craig Foden) can often achieve so much more than 2 hours of treatment with just 1 therapist. Nicola, Craig and I are both experienced JFB MFR therapists.

Treatment time: 1 hour

Please contact me to book a treatment

