Self-care ideas whilst you’re at home

I’ve been revising a document I wrote over 10 years ago that was originally written to help people cope with stress. I hope that the content helps you to navigate your way through this current period.

Feel free to share with anyone who might benefit. I would appreciate your feedback, you can comment at the end of the page and don’t forget to sign up to On the Spot News for more help, iit’s at the bottom of your phone screen or side panel on your computer.

50 tips for self-care

  1. Do at least one thing you truly enjoy every day 
  2. Create a structure to your day, plan and prepare
  3. Take time to notice how you’re feeling, breathe into that, soften and release any tension
  4. Plan ahead and prepare 
  5. Do nothing that you’ll have to lie or feel guilty about
  6. Learn relaxation techniques – and use them! 
  7. Avoid too much sugar 
  8. Accept others imperfections and practice tolerance, we are all doing our best
  9. Spend time laughing 
  10. Keep in mind your long-term goals or vision for what you want in your life 
  11. Read books and articles that are helpful and/or uplifting
  12. Procrastination can be stressful and give you reasons not to trust yourself, be true to yourself, keep your promises to yourself 
  13. Have plenty of moments in your day to pause, check-in with yourself and reset if you need to
  14. Increase your water intake
  15. Remember that you can’t control everything in your life, particularly at the moment
  16. Practise preventative maintenance on your health, home and teeth 
  17. Don’t take things personally 
  18. Learn to be more assertive 
  19. Schedule a realistic day and don’t try to do more than you’re capable of 
  20. Eat healthy snacks between meals 
  21. Learn to say “No thank you” to activities that you don’t have time or energy for 
  22. Take brisk 30-minute walks, or try some other form of exercise like dancing
  23. Make friends with yourself 
  24. Pat yourself on the back and lavish yourself with praise when you have done well 
  25. Reduce smoking, alcohol and other props 
  26. Stroke a furry animal if you can. Or simply enjoy noticing how different fabrics and surfaces feel. Touch can be a great way to ground yourself
  27. Notice the good things and the things that are going well 
  28. Try to connect with non-worriers, notice what they are doing differently and cultivate those skills
  29. Consider how you can help and serve others
  30. For every one thing that goes wrong, there are 50 or 100 blessings – count them 
  31. Remember that sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved
  32. Write your thoughts down 
  33. Do one thing at a time
  34. Avoid gossip and before you say anything, ask yourself if what you say is true? kind? or necessary? 
  35. Accept yourself as you would a friend
  36. Write a list of people and places you can get help from if you need it
  37. Ask for help when you need it
  38. Smile inwardly, imagine taking that smile to all your organs and tissues
  39. Smile at others when you see them out, say hello without a need for a response
  40. Reduce your caffeine intake, caffeine exacerbates feeling on edge, worry and anxiety
  41. Play more, particularly with your children and animals and if you’re alone, connect with your inner child and do something he/she would enjoy
  42. Learn something different
  43. Take up juggling, it’s a great way to stop your mind wandering into worry
  44. Off-load to someone who you know will be calm, helpful and objective 
  45. Have a goal each day that you can achieve 
  46. Appreciate beauty wherever you find it 
  47. Accept that you are doing your best in each moment 
  48. Understand that every moment is an opportunity for new beginnings 
  49. Be kind and gentle with yourself in all ways, including how you talk to yourself
  50. Do everything more slowly 
  51. Love yourself more and find good ways to show it! 

Some questions to keep you in the flow: 

·  What are the possibilities? 

·  What have I tried so far? 

·  What do I want? 

·  What’s another way of looking at this? 

·  If I were my best friend what would I say?  

·  How am I being too hard on myself? 

·  In what ways am I stronger than I think? 

·  What are the emotions clouding my judgement? 

·  If I put it down on paper, what will that look like? How will that help? 

·  What am I making up about this without all the facts? 

·  Am I only seeing things in black & white? What are the grey areas that I am not seeing? 

·  In what way am I taking too much responsibility? 

·  What positive outcomes could there be? 

·  What would be one small step forward right now? 

This document aims to provide some simple suggestions designed to help you find ease and flow in each moment during these unprecedented times.

Disclaimer – the subjects, thoughts, opinions, and presentation of facts in this document reflect only the author’s views and are not meant to replace any official guidelines or instructions you have been given by any medical practitioner. If you the reader find any unhelpful, then simply ignore them.

9 thoughts on “Self-care ideas whilst you’re at home”

  1. In these difficult times this list kept me grounded and showed me how to be kind to myself, and be present. Thankyou so much for this gift Sally xx

    • I’m so glad that I’ve helped. I’m following these ideas myself too, making sure I’m gentle with myself and staying present. I look forward to seeing you again once this is all over. Love to you and yours x

  2. Hi Sally, thanks so much for sharing, lots of golden pearls for this time and beyond.

    there’s some free mindfulness body scan resources on:

    also I find Insight Timer a really good app that has a wealth of stuff on it..

    Love strength and unity to all xxx

    • Thank you so much for your response. I shall look into the link you’ve given. Much appreciated! Together we are stronger, see you on the other side! X

  3. Thank you Sally, for sharing such comprehensive practical self-help guidance; to be kind to oneself, being honest about the moment we are at and take appropriate actions.

    • You understand it perfectly, being kind to ourselves is so important right now and awareness is always the first step x


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