Fabulous Fascia (Myofascial Release) – 01/02 March

A 2-day foundation course exploring myofascial release therapy, including direct and indirect techniques and focusing on sustained pressure myofascial release. Discover the world of fabulous fascia and why it’s so important to work at this level for lasting change, feel and experience the changes that are possible and leave more confident in working with these methods for lasting change.

FHT Approved. Open to all qualified massage and bodywork therapists. This course equates to 15 hours of CPD.

Early Bird rate of £275 until the 31st January, the full fee is £300

2-day course – Details of the Fabulous Fascia 2-day course

Fabulous Fascia (Myofascial Release) – 01/02 March


Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd March

Please read the CPD Workshop. Terms & Conditions before booking a course

Fully booked!
